Building on the appeal and success of Zynga Poker, appeal to casual poker players as an introduction to the authentic PokerStars experience, leveraging PokerStars specific features such as world poker tours, poker celebrities and large prize pools.
Using learnings from the original PokerStars desktop Facebook app, produce made-for-mobile version with enhanced USP reflecting PokerStars “authentic” poker offering.
Optimise game for characteristics of casual poker – in particular speed of action (quick play of hands), casino feel enhancing thrill of risk per hand.
Offer virtual chips packages for real money purchase.
Build on social aspect through enhanced chat functionality.
- Brainstorming & agile design sessions
- Mobile and social analytics
- User flow architecture & journey mapping
- Low & high fidelity wireframing
- Rapid prototyping

The Solution
- Made-for-mobile game design centring around quests on PokerStars world tour events – Vegas, Macau, Monte Carlo, etc. with progressive poker concepts tutorials.
- Leveraging PokerStars brand through feature of PokerStars celebrities as tutorial figureheads.
- Delivery of progressive poker education through daily challenges tutorials and poker quiz to earn virtual points.
- Casino elements such as daily spins for virtual currency and items to build habitual behaviour.
- Social and viral elements, connecting to Facebook social graph.